Credit cards are not bad at all if you use them wisely. You must be responsible in managing your cards and it takes discipline also. You must pay your card as it comes due (straight payment) in order not to overspend. If there are available zero percent purchase items grab them; this is the only time that you will make your instalment payments. There are a lot of freebies offered by the credit card companies just to attract cardholders to swipe their cards. I’ll share with you the freebies we already enjoyed with our credit cards. With HSBC, you will get a free any Starbucks drinks (tall) for purchases worth Php2,000, redemption must be claimed within a month after the purchase date. Another is the HSBC Mabuhay Miles Program where you can convert your card points into miles to avail of the free air fare from the Philippine Airlines (PAL), you need 8000 miles to have a round trip domestic fare per individual. There are other HSBC reward programs like rebates at Caltex, zero percent plans and a lot more.
While in BPI Credit Cards, you’ll get free meals at Jollibee for purchases worth Php2,000, Php6,000 and Php12,000. There are also a lot of gift certificates if you claim your card points.
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